Joan MacDonald se ha convertido en referente de la vida sana a los 73 años. Cortesía: instagram @trainwithjoan

‘Abuela fitness’ revoluciona instagram con su impresionante físico

Laura Moreno

Joan MacDonald se convirtió en una inspiración por lograr una vida saludable a sus 73 años, luego de tener una vida sedentaria y padecer enfremedades como la artritis y la hipertensión.

La ‘abuela fitness’, como se le ha empezado a llamar popularmente, tiene 926.000 seguidores en su instagram, en donde comparte su transformación, sus rutinas de ejercicio y los tips de alimentación balanceada que le ayudan a mantenere en forma. Su impresionante físico se lo atribuye a la disciplina y constancia en estos años de entrenamiento.

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A few of us gals have gotten together to help spread a positive message out there about the wide variety of shapes, ages, sizes and ethnicities showing what an athlete is ! ?? This is what an athlete looks like: different shapes, different styles, and different stories from all around the world. Because health and fitness isn’t one size fits all — but it certainly is one incredible way to feel amazing. ???? Today, we’d love to challenge you to show us your sweaty glow-up, your workout, your cool down. Take a snap and share it with #ImAnAthlete. If you’re feeling extra wild, go ahead and tag us and @womensbest We are ready to cheer you on. ?????? Here’s who’s involved: Me! ??‍♀️- A woman redefining our understanding of health and age, showing that you can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up again. @Qui2health – A mental and physical transformer @Bethyred – A plus-sized fitness advocate who rocks HIIT workouts @Showtimewerner – A Special Olympics National Championship winner and 2x world champion gymnast @sfm_fitness – A personal trainer and incredible fitness mama @charli_kate – A 4’2’’ Dwarfism advocate and positive self-talk junkie @danaemercer – A health journalist focused on making folks feel normal We are so glad you’re here! ??? #ImAnAthlete #womensbestwear #womensbest #gracias

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

MacDonald cambió sus hábitos a raíz de una crisis matrimonial que le produjo depresión hace 3 años. Desde entonces ha bajado cerca de 30 kilos,  gracias a la motivación de su hija Michelle, quien es entrenadora de personas mayores de 40 años. Actualmente entrena cinco veces a la semana con ejercicios de pesas y yoga.



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My oh my what a difference 3 years and 65 lbs can make! ? . I can vividly remember those bicep curls in the first video taken in the first week of my transformation journey with @yourhealthyhedonista . Michelle kept barking at me to pull my stomach in and keep my eyes open. I was beginning to think she was trying to kill me ? I was in Mexico, it was hot and humid, and I was suffering from hypertension and acid reflux. I also had vertigo which has also gone away along with the other issues since getting back in shape. ? I have so much gratitude to that gal on the left who slugged it through all of those issues plus low self-esteem but who stayed the course, allowing me to be where I am today. ? I look back to those years with the utmost gratitude and awe, and I promise to her that all my actions and attitudes today will pay respect to her hard work and her big dreams. I will never take my health or my habits for granted again! Let’s all fall in love with the work that has to be done to bring us the freedom and the joy and the energy that we want to experience every day ?? #olderandwiser . @womensbestwear True Top in Red ??

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el